Monday, February 04, 2008

the one with soulja boy at the bowling alley

On Saturday night I went bowling with Brian and two friends. Right after we got there "Extreme Bowling" started. They turned down the lights, turned on the disco lights and cranked up the dance music. On the lane next to us was a really big family with several little kids. You know what kind of crowd typically frequents bowling alleys on the weekend so you can just imagine what they were like. Well, after a few songs, Souja Boy comes on. ALL of the kids on the next lane break out with the whole choreographed dance. And by all, I mean even the TWO YEAR OLD little girl knew all the moves! It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. This Souja Boy video of Roo doing the dance is about the closest thing to what we saw.

In other news, I went to my first law school social function on Friday night. They had this big party called 100 Nights (Until Graduation) for the 3L class. I typically avoid all things law school but decided this one might be worth venturing out. We got dressed up, had some of the free food and drink, did a round of mingling and left after an hour and a half. Not exactly the most fun ever, but not bad either. Maybe I should have made this effort two years ago...oh well....

We had some people over for the Super Bowl last night. We got Papa Johns (with no problems despite my mom's warning that this was the "busiest pizza night of the year") and had some queso and this amazing Mississippi Mud Cake. It was chocolatey, marshmellowy, gooey goodness. I was unimpressed with the game until the very end and equally unimpressed with the commercials. I remember laughing at a few of them, but can't remember which ones now.

Not a lot else going on. School is about to get busy with journal stuff and class and writing two papers. Wedding stuff is winding up. I got my bridal portraits back and love them. We're finalizing music and working on the program. Other than that, not much to do! I have decided to make a better effort at taking care of myself for the next month: getting enough sleep, working out, drinking more water, taking off my make up at night, and avoiding stress. We'll see how that goes ( :

Cheers: to people buying things off my registry! so exciting!
Jeers: to ripping my fingernail partway off during bowling and having limited use of my thumb right now

1 comment:

Jen McCrady said...

Yay, only one month left for you! SOOOO exciting! :)