Sunday, January 13, 2008

We just bought our plane tickets home for our wedding!!! Its starting to get really really real!!!

Yesterday was Brian's 25th birthday. To celebrate, we picked up coffee and chickfila for breakfast and drove up to Alexandria, VA. We shopped around this cute area and then toured George Washington's free mason lodge. That may sound like a boring birthday to you, but Brian loved it. Then we had dinner at a French bistro in Colonial and treated ourselves to dessert! I've been a bad fiance and still owe him birthday and Christmas gifts, but everyone likes dragging out the fun, right?

I spent the last week trying to re-adjust to school life. My apartment is almost back in order, but my to do list just keeps growing. Everytime I cross something off, I add two more. I did manage to work out 2 times this week, which is more than normal, but not as much as I would like. I was pleasantly surprised with my grades from last semester, esp considering how stressed I was during exams. But my grades were good, so I feel more confident starting the new semester.

Things are coming together with the wedding. We're picking out pictures for our slideshow right now and trying to get things settled again with the rehearsal dinner. Next weekend I have my bridal portraits and the final meetings with the florist, the wedding planner, and the church. We're finalizing our programs and music. My dad and I are taking a dance lesson together. We're so close!

Cheers: to online shopping!
Jeers: to skinny lattes...really not tasty


Karen said...

I should have warned you about them, they are gross! stick with nonfat and no whip cream but with regular instead of sugar free syrup for the healthiest option that still tastes good!

Jen McCrady said...

Thursday after work sounds great! See you at 5ish?