Friday, January 25, 2008

the one with 43 days

Just to set the record straight, I have been counting down to things my whole life, not just since I got engaged. Until I was in high school, I started the countdown to my birthday at least two months out. And I put up my Christmas count down calendar at 99 days. And I have had a countdown to law school graduation on my desktop since at least 500 days till graduation. I count down to lots of things: Baylor Homecoming, season premiers of favorite shows (6 days until Lost, in case you were wondering), birthdays, Christmas, graduation, vacations, exams, movies, fridays, etc. Its not just because I'm getting married in 43 days.

Life is pretty good right now. School is only moderately busy and fairly low on the stress-o-meter. My application to take the Texas Bar is the most stressful thing I'm dealing with at the moment. I have to track down all my supervisors from every job I have had since I was 18. Seems easy, but its not. The application also asks questions about whether I've ever been disciplined at a job or had any sort of criminal record. I don't think I have, but it is making me paranoid that I robbed a bank in my past and then blocked out the memory.

In wedding news:
  • I took my bridal portraits last weekend and had so much fun! I felt like a princess. We took some pics in the studio and some at the arboretum. I can't wait to see the proofs next week!
  • Our invitations went out and we already have some RSVPs! I feel like giving the mailman a hug for moving stuff along so quickly.
  • Brian's parents booked a new rehearsal dinner spot! We'll be at the La Hacienda Ranch in Carrollton.
  • Now we're just working on the wedding program, music, and other little things.

Cheers: three day weekends
Jeers: not knowing how to spend the weekend

1 comment:

Rach said...

La Hacienda Ranch is great...Derek loves that place. Yes, that bar application is a beating!! I did it my first year...oh the stress! But at least you got it out of the way! :) Isn't it fun crossing things off your list? I signed up for the MPRE in's getting closer! Yea for 43 days...less I'm sure now...